You are here: Manage Mode > Printing > Setting Printer Options

Setting Printer Options

When printing your images with ACDSee, you can specify which printer you want to use, and set the printer options on the Printer Options tab in the Print dialog box.

Printer Options


Specifies the printer you want to use. Select a printer from the drop-down list and click the Properties button to set its options. Refer to the printer manufacturer's Help file or manual for more information.

Paper size

Specifies the size of the paper, e.g. Letter, Legal, A4.


Specifies Portrait or Landscape page orientation.


Specifies the number of copies you want to print.

Print range

Select one of the following options:

  • All: Prints all of the pages in the document.
  • Pages from: Prints a range of pages. Specify the first and last pages of the range in the fields.


Specifies a resolution in pixels-per-inch (PPI) for the image. The higher the value, the more dots per inch, and the higher the resolution of the printed image. For example, 600 PPI is 360,000 (600 x 600) pixels per square inch.


Specifies the resampling filter to use when printing images. Click the drop-down list and select one of the following:

  • Box: Displays considerable tiling or jaggies when you resize an image.
  • Triangle: Produces good results for image reduction and enlargement, but displays sharp transition lines.
  • Bicubic: Produces good results with photo-realistic images and with images that are irregular or complex. Uses interpolation to minimize the raggedness normally associated with image expansion.
  • Bell: Smoothes the image.
  • B-Spline: Produces smooth transitions, but may cause excessive blurring.
  • Lanczos: Produces the sharpest images, but may also introduce some ringing artifacts.
  • Mitchell: Produces smooth transitions when enlarging photo-realistic images. This filter is good compromise between the ringing effect of Lanczos and the blurring effect of other filters.


Applies gamma correction to the printed images. Type a number from 0.10 to 3.00 in the Gamma value field to adjust the gamma of the image. Higher values make the image appear brighter, while lower values make the image appear darker.

Use EXIF 2.2 printing when available

Your camera may capture EXIF information that, when shared with your printer, will optimize printing results. Select this option if your camera and printer support EXIF 2.2 printing.